Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hark! What owl through yonder window breaks?

Has anyone heard anything about a new Georgia book? Will there be one (and if so, when?), or is Stop in the Name of Pants! the last one? I'm reading it right now and I assume there are probably clues at the end of the book, but that would mean I'd have to wait until the end of the book, and I want to know now. :)

P.S. I ask because the website does not appear to have been updated in a while, otherwise I would have just looked there.

1 comment:

Miri said...

In case you're wondering, I finished Stop in the Name of Pants and it did not finish on a this series is over type of note. So I am assuming/hoping there will be another one soon! Let me know if you hear anything about it.

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