Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Books and such

So, I have a lot of new books. Particularly the beautiful set I got for my birthday of classics (some I have read, some I haven't). I also ordered The Princess Academy and Book of a Thousand Days used on B&N because I like the covers and wanted to have my own hard back copies. I got them pretty cheap too at about $6 each including shipping. I should be getting a few more random used books from B&N (can't remember what they are at the mo') and The Actor and the Housewife (Shannon Hales' latest adult book) which I am especially excited about and will read as soon as I get it.

I'm in the middle of reading The Outsiders and Home, a memoir of Julie Andrews early years. The Outsiders is probably going to be pushed to the back burner for a bit since I'm just not in the mood for that book right now. Julie Andrews will get finished soon, though. Lauren read it while we were on vacation...mostly because I was an awesome sister and drove most of the way home. It's good so far though and I would recommend it. She has a crazy family. I am curious to find out if there is a memoir of her career though because this book stops at about age 20 just before Mary Poppins and all that. I also purchased The Book Thief and need to finish reading that since I never did last year. I'm also starting to get a hankering for some Narnia so I might jump into Prince Caspian and maybe Voyage of the Dawn Treader, both are quick reads.

Mostly I want to get back into reading. I've been hibernating and pretty much just stopped doing a lot of the things I love to do. Reading being one of them. Also, I finished I Capture the Castle back in January and haven't been able to find something that grabs my attention since then. I LOVED that book. Here's hoping this summer will bring plenty of days reading in the sunshine.

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