Thursday, January 3, 2008

One Resolution

I don't usually make New Years Resolutions, mostly because I break them in a day - I tend to spread out resolutions and make them as the need or desire arises in my life. This one just happens to coincide with the new year because my book club chose this book for the month of January. The book is the Book of Mormon.

I haven't set a time limit (except perhaps before the next new year) because I never reach that goal and frankly, I would rather take my time reading the Book of Mormon this go round. I've read through the whole thing before, straight through, in order, in a timed fashion several times, but my goal this time is to really learn from it every time I read while still going in order. That means no jumping around, but also not speed reading to finish three chapters before being tested on the "subject matter" in a religion class and this means cover to cover in a traditional triple combination (Book of Mormon, D&C, and Pearl of Great Price). I'm going to go at my own pace and see what happens. I'm hoping I will be disciplined enough to actually accomplish this the way I would like to accomplish it (if that makes sense).

I know when I read my scriptures (especially the Book of Mormon) things seem to calm down in my life. I don't get as stressed over little things, I'm not as critical of myself and other people, and I am generally happier. Even through the war chapters. haha. You are getting a constant reminder of how much Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love YOU for who YOU are. How can that not make you happy and not make you want to treat everyone around you better?

I'm not going to sit here and say that I'm going to read every day because that will give me more time and make life easier because that's just not the case for me - when I try to do that I end up missing five days in a row and then getting discouraged because I am so far behind. Hence this new approach for the discipline-impaired.

So there you have it. The Book of Mormon will remain on my list of books I am reading until I finish reading it. That may mean it will be there until 2009, but as long as I am making the effort it's better than not reading it at all. So wish me luck!

For those of you who may happen upon this site and are not familiar with the Book of Mormon or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, feel free to visit or to learn more.

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