Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Uglies, Pretties, etc.

I just finished reading Uglies by Scott Westerfeld. Great book, intriguing idea...but HOW could anyone have started reading these without being able to move directly to the next book? If I didn't already own the first three out of four when I started reading Uglies, I would have been very annoyed by the end of it. It just stops right before a big event...technically right in the middle of a big event. This isn't like Twilight or Harry Potter where each book has a subplot to further the major overall plot of the series - it's like a "to be continued" storyline on TV and those are never fun.

Anyone feel the same way about Uglies?

More to come...


Megs said...

That is very true. Although I didn't bother with the others for awhile because I wasn't sure I liked them. I changed my mind eventually, but the cliffhanger endings are ridiculous.

Miri said...

I actually had the opposite experience as Megan. I read all three of them really close together because I liked the first two a lot, but (and I hope this doesn't ruin it for you) I was pretty disappointed with Specials, especially the end. After reading it I had no desire to read Extras, which I had previously been interested in, so if you get to that one tell me how it is.

DesertSurfer said...

Oh I sooooo fell into this trap! I am an 8th grade teacher and heard so much about Uglies that I thought I would read it outload during homeroom. I totally loved the story but had no clue it was not a complete story until I got to the very end. I cam very close to using some very inappropriate school words when I got to the last page.

So now that it is the summer and I have some free time, I am thrilled that I can get my teeth into Pretties.

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