Monday, March 24, 2008

Are we all in a reading rut?

The answer for me would be "no," but I AM in a posting slump. I am reading - I finished two books in the last week, in fact, and am starting a new one today - I just don't have much to say. Which is strange for me, right? haha.

So I thought I'd at least put that out there. Maybe this summer we can organize a virtual book club meeting of sorts? Actually no maybe - let's do it! Comment with suggestions of books for us to choose from and we can pick one, read it at the same time, then blog away. We basically read the same books as it is anyway, right? What sayest thou?

1 comment:

Miri said...

i think that sounds fantastic! mike's sister started a book club and i am loving that, but i think it'd be more fun for me to be in a book club with people i know really well. (half the book club is people she's worked with at the provo library or knows from somewhere else, and we don't talk much aside from giving basic plotlines of the story.)

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