Monday, February 1, 2010


I finished Julie and Julia for my recommended category. Even though I was sometimes highly annoyed by Julie's whining, I enjoyed it thoroughly. I think one of the things I liked most about it was that at its core, it's about two women who are drowning and find a way to save themselves by finding something worthwhile and difficult to do. Plus, you know, the Buffy stuff. :)

Thanks for the recommendation, Miri!

1 comment:

mkgs said...

I'm glad you liked it! I am just really impressed with a woman who is so clearly NOT on top of things, and doesn't feel obligated to apologize all over the place for it.

You have seen the movie, right? It's different but I loved it as well. I don't think Amy Adams QUITE manages an accurate portrayal of Julie, but if you don't compare the two, then she's a great character on her own. Plus Meryl Streep is just adorable as Julia Child.

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