Thursday, October 11, 2007


I believe Megan already has this, but for anyone else who would like to keep a book list here's the link to Shelfari.

I added my bookshelf showing the books I am currently reading. My other lists of favorites and books I want to read are too long to really fit. You can add a bookshelf as well, just make sure to put your name in the title.

I will probably start compiling lists from what I have read and from other sources so start looking for those soon.


laurenthequeen said...

My problem right now is that I don't have time to really think about what I want to read. This means I read whatever book Lin passes along. I have no idea what I would even put on my Shelfari. :o(

Lin said...

that'll be the good thing about this eventually. then you can look here to get ideas should you want them. :)

Miri said...

hahahahahahahaha i totally didn't notice that the address is i love it.

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