Wednesday, October 17, 2007

This is Halloween, This is Halloween.

I found this list on a book reading site on Megan's blog. There are more lists if you go there and click on her "Papercuts" link. (hopefully it's okay that I'm including all of that here).

A LIST from which to choose October worthy reading material.

Tis the season, right? Not only is it time to watch your scary movies and organize your Halloween parties, it's time to read some spooky tales. Think of it as a way to prolong the Halloween experience. I included the list because tastes can differ quite drastically in this better to give people a choice than to choose for them. Whatever you choose, enjoy it now while the season is upon us.

1 comment:

Megs said...

Yay for the Papercuts! I knew that advertising on my blog would be good. :)

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