Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Anna Karenina


And it was good. I have some mixed feelings about the secondary characters, because a lot of times it seemed like Tolstoy was just using them to put forth his political or religious agenda for pages and pages. On the other hand, it was nice to see some semi-functional but still imperfect people to contrast the despair and craziness of the main characters - it just got in the way of story flow sometimes and then I would hate the Levins and their peasants.

Anyway. It was good, and I feel very accomplished. Now I can hurry through some shorter and half-finished ones to catch up. :)


mkgs said...

Yay! That is an accomplishment. I've meant to read that book for years now, but I have yet to get there. Someday, it will happen! (Probably around the same time that I finally read Les Mis.)

Unknown said...

I congratulate you.

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