Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Lin: Reading List

Here's what I have as possibilities so far:

Books I own but haven't read

Through the Wardrobe (A collection of writings from different authors about the Chronicles of Narnia)
The Wednesday Letters
The Glass Castle
Mansfield Park
Sense and Sensibility
Pride & Prejudice & Zombies
Sense & Sensibility & Sea Monsters
Madame Bovary
The Picture of Dorian Gray

The above list is mostly coming from the set of beautiful Penguin classics I got last year for my birthday. I hadn't read most of them (hence the reason for buying them) so now I'm going to do it. This list may change, although it's the most set in stone due to the nature of the category.

Books with movie adaptations
The Road
The Black Cauldron
The Outsiders Jane Eyre The Lovely Bones
Derby Girl
The Princess Bride
The Thin Man
The Iron Giant

That's what I've tentatively settled on for the movie/book category. I took most of these from lists found over at the A.V. Club, although the three in bold are on there because I also already own them. The Black Cauldron is the one I'm most excited about because I always thought that movie was so strange and the A.V. Club tells me the source material is much better than the movie. The Princess Bride is on there because I have never read it and I somehow feel like less of a girl for not having done so before this point.


Meg said...

Have you read The Book of Three yet? Because I don't think I can allow you to read The Black Cauldron without reading The Book of Three.

mkgs said...

OH Lindsey if you have not read those books you MUST. They have been some of my favorites since before I can remember. Start with The Book of Three! That's what I gave my niece Kennedy for Christmas this year. Read the whole series!

Lin said...

I will add The Book of Three to my recommended list. haha.

Unknown said...

Absolutely LOVED the Wednesday Letters. I agree with M&M about the Prydain chronicles, and I also really enjoyed The Outsiders. I especially loved the intro in Princess Bride - absolute comical genious, in my opinion

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