Friday, January 8, 2010

Some math.

Has anyone realized that this is like a book every 3.6 days? And than I'm still in the middle of Anna Karenina? I'm going to need some short books in there to catch up. Yikes.


Lin said...

i did do the math and i'm terribly behind.

mkgs said...

That's weird, I hadn't thought about it. I read more than 100 books this year and it doesn't seem like I could have read one every three days. I guess I must have, of course, but... Weird.

mkgs said...

P.S. Perhaps Les Miserables might be better left for next year... just a thought. :)

Lin said...

Here's the thing. There are books that will take months to read and then there are books that will take 2 days (that's with dealing with real life at the same time). It's kind of the reason I left the YA category bc most of those will be quick reads and can compensate for Jane Eyre and the like. Right?

Meg said...

Oh, I totally read Jane Eyre in a week the first time. That one doesn't have to take long.
But yes, I am reevaluating my list. More Animal Farms, fewer Infernos. I'll probably take out Les Mis but leave in Crime and Punishment because I have it on my iPod. :)

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