Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Current Progress

I was planning on this post mostly just to make myself feel better. Then Megan posted hers and I feel like I'm way behind. haha. Here we are anyway.

I'm 3/4 of the way through Through the Wardrobe (which is a collection of essays about The Chronicles of Narnia). Unfortunately, it's mostly making me want to just re-read Chronicles. We'll see about that.

I started reading Alice in Wonderland out loud to my nephew and figure I'll just go through that one over the course of the year with him for the most part. It will be slow going, but why not introduce him to reading bigger books out loud? It should certainly help his vocabulary and he seems to be enjoying it so far.

Forest Born. I read one page. It's the next one I'll get to when I'm finished with Through the Wardrobe.

I'm about 1/4 of the way through The Actor and The Housewife. Hopefully I will finish it up after Forest Born.

I'm jumping on the comic bandwagon and will be reading the Buffy season 8 comic as well as the Dr. Horrible comic. Not sure what category they will fit into.

I'm heading down to visit my parents this weekend and plan on renewing my library card and trying to get a bunch of books to last me through till Valentines day (the next time I'll get down to MD to return them). Or, you know, one or two books since I'm already so far behind.


mkgs said...

Yay for Forest Born, that's a good one (although I like the previous books of Bayern better). I have been wanting to read the Narnia books again for YEARS, and keep starting the series over only to get distracted around Prince Caspian. I haven't read the last few books since junior high probably, and I can hardly remember anything that happens in them! Maybe I'll find a way to fit that into my challenge somehow.

Lin said...

We could pick one to read as MML? Maybe one of the later ones? I've read them all at least 5 times and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader even more than that. That's mostly why I don't feel like I should include them in my personal lists. But I've never really discussed any of them so that would be new.

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